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Your membership supports recycling drives and education, city-wide clean-up efforts, and stunning beautification projects in Yankton.


These efforts are so vitally important to creating a community that is sustainable, eco-friendly, and progressive. Making our city the best it can be attracts guests, potential businesses, and potential residents while also retaining families and growing businesses.


We are a small organization that makes a large impact on our community, and your contribution matters. Please consider becoming a member today!


Memberships can be processed through PayPal online by clicking the gold "donate" button.

You do not need to have a PayPal account to use this secure method of giving. Just click "use a card" when it asks you to create a PayPal account.


If you prefer to mail a check for your membership, please refer to the giving levels below

and indicate your level on the memo line of your check.


Make your check out to "Keep Yankton Beautiful" and mail to PO Box 406, Yankton South Dakota, 57078.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button


Thank you to all our current members

and anyone who has supported our mission since we started in 2000.


We rely on your generosity to continue our mission of keeping Yankton beautiful!



Visionary ($1,000+)

Direct Biologicals

Town and Country Garden Club



Growth ($250 - $999)

Astec Industries

Drs. Michael and Darcie Briggs

Borowski Family Dentistry

Conkling Distributing

James and Cynthia Filips

First Dakota National Bank

Frontier Mills

Hydro Extrusions

Lori Leader, Ameriprise Financial

Matt and Jackie Potts

Missouri Valley Master Gardeners

Tom Nelson



South Dakota Community Foundation


Lois Varvel


Mary Willcockson

Willcockson Eye Associates


Sustaining ($100 - $249)

Liz Aanning

Blackburn and Stevens

Elwood Family Dental Care

Beverly Gehm

Gerstner Oil


Liz Healy

Daniel and Paula Hicks

Jake and Sandy Hoffner

Dr. and Mrs. Jay Hubner

Kopetsky’s Ace Hardware

Nikki LaCroix

Virginia Larson

NorthWestern Energy

James and Marilyn Nyberg

David Olson

John and Penny Porter

John and Carmen Schramm

Craig Sommer

John and Nancy Sternquist

Joe and Christine Tielke 

Welfl Construction Corporation

Wintz and Ray Funeral Home



Supporting ($0 - $99)

Ben’s Brewing Co.

Jeff and Deanna Branaugh

Linda Buelke

Delora Carson

Joyce Christensen

Marvin and Marilyn Ekeren

Denise Erickson

First Chiroporactic Center

Floor Tec

Robert and Ronda Gusinsky

(in honor of James and Cynthia Filips’ Anniversary)

Jim and Shari Hovland

Koletzky Implement

Ernest and Marilyn Kratz

Jack Lyons

Melissa Pavlish

South Dakota Magazine

Gregory and Muriel Stach

Bill and Paula Tacke

Don and Arlene Veldhouse

State Farm Roy Wilcox

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